Contact us
The Ministry of the interior has the main responsible to develop the work of Anchor in Finland. You can contact us by email at [email protected].
Regional Anchor work
The work of Anchor is delivered on several regions Finland. Please note that the contact information below is intended only for non-urgent matters related to Anchor work.
Here are the contact details for regional Anchor work operators:
Eastern Finland
Eastern Uusimaa
Southeast Finland
Southwest Finland
Western Uusimaa
Inner Finland
Description of activities:The Anchor team meets its clients with the objective of, for instance, ending the spiral into crime of the child or the adolescent, preventing violence in close relationships, or offering comprehensive help to the victim/perpetrator and directing them to the right support services. In addition to the police, the Anchor team consists of social workers and a psychiatric nurse.
Contact information:
- Police: 050 440 02113 (weekdays from 8am to 4pm)
- [email protected]
Forssa, Jokioinen, Tammela, Ypäjä, Humppila
Description of activities: The Anchor team in Forssa works with crimes committed by underaged offenders and other concerns related to minors, as well as reports of domestic violence and violence in close relationships. In addition, the team offers expert advice on matters related to young people. The team consists of a police officer, a social worker and a psychiatric nurse.
Contact information:
- Forssa Police Station, Murrontie 3, FI-30420 Forssa
- Police officer: 029 543 4418
- Nurse: 045 359 3718
- Social instructor: 040 8486 807
Hämeenlinna, Hattula, Janakkala
Description of activities:The Anchor team in Hämeenlinna works with crimes committed by underaged offenders and reports of domestic violence and violence in close relationships. In addition, the team offers expert advice on matters related to young people.
- Contact information:
- Hämeenlinna Police Station, Hattelmalantie 2, 13130 Hämeenlinna
- Police officer: 029 543 7801
- Social worker: 050 523 5226
- Psychiatric nurse: 050 407 9184
- Social welfare supervisor: 050 381 3917
- Youth worker: 040 541 2790
Lahti, Heinola, Orimattila, Asikkala, Hartola, Hollola, Kärkölä, Padasjoki, Sysmä, Pukkila, Myrskylä
Description of activities: The Päijät-Häme Anchor team works with crimes committed by underaged offenders and conducts the interviews related to these matters, and also addresses any other concerns related to young people arising from other operators. In addition, the team works actively in social media.
Contact information:
- Lahti Main Police Station, Esikuntakatu 4, FI-15700 Lahti
- Police officer: 0295 437 356
- Social welfare supervisor: 044 716 1736
- Youth Services 044 483 1837
- Special youth worker 044 719 1272
Riihimäki, Loppi, Hausjärvi
Description of activities: The Anchor team in Riihimäki consists of a police officer, a full-time social worker, a psychiatric nurse as well as a youth worker for marginalised youth. The team addresses crimes committed by underaged offenders and other concerns related to minors, works with reports of domestic violence and violence in close relationships, and offers expert advice on matters related to young people.
Contact information:
- Riihimäki Police Station, Temppelikatu 8, FI-11100 Riihimäki
- Police officer: 029 543 7951
- Psychiatric nurse: 040 330 4233
- Youth worker for marginalised youth: 040 330 4717
- Social welfare supervisor: 040 640 3213
Eastern Finland
Description of activities: seven anchor teams operate in the area of the Eastern Finland Police Department. Anchor work is part of the preventive work of the police department. The teams work at police stations. The focus of Anchor teams is on early intervention in criminal activity and substance abuse among under 18-year-olds. Another focal point is the age-independent prevention of intimate partner violence by helping the victim or the perpetrator and by referring the perpetrator to the necessary support.
We are best accessible at all offices from Monday to Friday at 8-15. You can submit a contact request by email.
Preventive work Northern Savonia
Email: [email protected]
Helpline: 050 468 7436 (closed until further notice, contacts only via the above-mentioned e-mail service)
Group leader: detective sergeant Satu Oinonen: 0295 456 633
Deputy group leader: detective sergeant Tuomas Hyvönen: 0295 455 247
- Social worker: 044 718 3305
- Youth worker: 044 718 2667
- Police: 0295 455 039 and 0295 455 247
- Service counsellor: 040 830 4341
- Youth worker: 040 588 6801
- Psychiatric nurse: 040 662 8938
Preventive work Northern Karelia
Email: [email protected]
Helpline: 050 306 7739
Group leader: detective sergeant Minna Väistö: 0295 456 488
Deputy group leader: detective sergeant Jukka Myller: 0295 456 463
- Social instructor: 050 432 9689
- Special youth worker: 050 4733 828
Preventive work Southern Savonia
Email: [email protected]
Helpline: 0295 455 630
Group leader: detective sergeant Toni Reinikainen: 0295 455 574
Deputy group leader: detective sergeant Heikki Vehmas: 0295 455 129
- Social worker: 044 794 5394
- Psychiatric nurse: 040 359 7204
- Youth worker: 040 1294 115
- Social instructor: 044 417 4133
- Youth worker: 050 522 7300
- Nurse: 044 417 2166
- Police: 0295 455 815 and 0295 455 379
- Special youth worker: 040 538 5220
- Nurse: 040 351 0158
- Social counsellor: 044 743 6636
- Police: 0295 455 656
- Social worker: 044 799 5623
- Psychiatric nurse: 040 352 3430
- Special youth worker: 044 799 5348
Eastern Uusimaa
Description of activities: The Anchor teams in Eastern Uusimaa addresses the criminal acts of children under the age of 15 as well as any other inappropriate behaviour and phenomena related to children and young people.
Anchor activities are based on respect for youngsters participation and self-determination and the protection of privacy. The purpose of anchor activities is to support the possibilities of young people and their parents/guardians to promote the well-being of young people and thus to prevent young people from committing crimes in the future.
There are eight Anchor teams in the police department area. Vantaa 2 teams (team 1 western-Vantaa and Aviapolis-Pakkala, team 2 Korso-Koivukylä-Tikkurila-Hakunila) team Kerava, team Järvenpää-Tuusula, team Hyvinkää-Nurmijärvi, team Mäntsälä-Pornainen and Eastern team (Porvoo, Sipoo, Loviisa, Askola, Lapinjärvi, Myrskylä, Pukkila)
Contact information:
Police, [email protected] 0295 434 990
Socialservices, Vantaa-Kerava hyvinvointialue
[email protected] 043 8266 281, 040 5490 849
[email protected] 050 302 6169Socialservices, Keusote, [email protected]
Socialservices, Itä-Uudenmaan hyvinvointialue, sosiaaliohjaaja 040 4823 336
Socialservicer Porvoo, social welfare supervisor 040 482 3336
Southeast Finland
Description of activities: The preventive action (EET) team of the Southeast Finland Police Department conducts Anchor work as multi-authority co-operation with the different authorities in the cities and municipalities in the region. The team focuses on acts that fulfil the definition of an offence committed by underaged offenders, particularly those under the age of 15, with the objective of preventing or ending the potential spiral into crime. Due to rearrangements of the Anchor work, new agreements between the Police and the different operators will ne negotiated in the beginning of 2019. For this reason, the contact information of operators other than the police will be available at a later date in the beginning of 2019.
Northern Kymenlaakso (Kouvola)
Contact information:
- Kouvola police station, Vuorikatu 1, 45101 Kouvola
- Police: 029 543 5612 or 029 543 5725 or 029 541 4429
- Service supervisor 0400 659 942
- [email protected]
Southern Kymenlaakso (Kotka, Hamina, Virolahti, Miehikkälä, Pyhtää)
Contact information:
- Kotka police station, Ruukinkatu 12, 48101 Kotka
- Police: 029 435 804 or 029 543 7197
- Service supervisor 0400 659 942
- [email protected]
Southern Karelia (Lappeenranta, Imatra, Ruokolahti, Rautjärvi, Parikkala, Savitaipale, Taipalsaari, Luumäki, Lemi)
Contact information:
- Lappeenranta police station, Villimiehenkatu 2 C, 53100 Lappeenranta
- Police 0295 487 157 or 0295 437 119
- Youth legal representative: 040 709 9334 or 0400 815 326
- [email protected]
Southeast team (Rovaniemi, Ranua, Posio, Pello)
Description of activities: The Anchor work focuses on young people at risk of social exclusion. In addition to the police, other actors include social services, youth work and healthcare.
Contact information:
- You can submit a contact request by email to [email protected]
- Police 0295 466 993 (If the number does not answer, please send the call request by email to the address above)
Southwest team (Kemi, Keminmaa, Tornio, Simo)
Description of activities: The Anchor work focuses on young people at risk of social exclusion. In addition to the police, other actors include social services, youth work and healthcare.
Contact information:
- You can submit a contact request by email to [email protected]
- Police 0295 466 993 (If the number does not answer, please send the call request by email to the address above)
Eastern team (Kemijärvi, Sodankylä, Salla, Savukoski, Pelkosenniemi)
Description of activities: The Anchor work focuses on young people at risk of social exclusion. In addition to the police, other actors include social services, youth work and healthcare.
Contact information:
- You can submit a contact request by email to [email protected]
- Police 0295 466 993 (If the number does not answer, please send the call request by email to the address above)
Nothern team (Inari, Utsjoki)
Description of activities: The Anchor work focuses on young people at risk of social exclusion. In addition to the police, other actors include social services, youth work and healthcare.
Contact information:
You can submit a contact request by email to [email protected]
Police 0295 466 993 (If the number does not answer, please send the call request by email to the address above)
Fell Lapland team (Kittilä, Kolari, Muonio, Enontekiö)
Description of activities: The Anchor work focuses on young people at risk of social exclusion. In addition to the police, other actors include social services, youth work and healthcare.
Contact information:
You can submit a contact request by email to [email protected]
Police 0295 466 993 (If the number does not answer, please send the call request by email to the address above)
Southwest Finland
Description of activities: The Anchor team in Turku focuses on criminal behaviour of children and young people under the age of 18 as well as providing support for underaged victims of crime and their families. In addition, the team works with families with children in cases of domestic violence or violence in close relationships. The objective of the Anchor team is to prevent social exclusion, to reach out to young people who raise cause for concern, and to direct them to the right services. The work is carried out in close collaboration with other authorities and third sector operators.
Contact information:
- Anchor team, Eerikinkatu 40–42, 20100 Turku
- [email protected]
- Varha (Social and health services): 040 5451 176 (on weekdays 9-15)
- [email protected]
Description of activities: The Anchor team in Salo focuses on offences committed by adolescents, mainly first-time offenders, as well as on intimate partner violence.
Contact information:
- Kirkkokatu 1–3, FI-24100 Salo
- [email protected]
- Police officer: 029 544 4835
- Social worker: 044 778 3008
- Nurse: 044 772 3745
Loimaa, Aura, Koski Tl, Marttila, Oripää, Pöytyä
Description of activities: The Anchor team in Loimaa focuses on offences committed by underaged perpetrators and on other problem behaviour as well as cases of domestic violence and violence in close relationships.
Contact information:
- Anchor team, Vareliuksenkatu 2, FI-32200 Loimaa
- [email protected]
- Police officer: 0295 446 653
- Social worker: 02 761 2132 or 050 528 3560
- Psychiatric nurse: 02 761 2128 or 050 440 8045
Uusikaupunki, Laitila, Pyhäranta, Taivassalo, Kustavi, Vehmaa
Contact information:
- Uusikaupunki police station, Mörnenkatu 2, 23500 Uusikaupunki
- [email protected]
- Police 0295 449 081
- Social worker 040 839 7345
- Nurse 040 662 4045
- Youth worker 040 624 1353
Pargas and Kimitoön
Contact information:
- Pargas police station: Rantatie 30, 21600 Parainen
- Kimitoön police station: Tuomarinkehä 8, 25700 Kemiö
- Police 050 421 0675 (Mondays 9-12 and Thursdays 13-16), [email protected]
- Social instructor 040 6288 533
Description of activities: In Satakunta, Anchor work is organised throughout the region. Satakunta is divided into the areas of operation of the northern and southern teams. Anchor teams in Satakunta intervene in the criminal behaviour of minors at an early stage, examine the life situation of young clients comprehensively and, if necessary, refer them to assistance and support. Anchor teams also deal with intimate partner relationships and cases of domestic violence when the family has underage children.
Contact information:
- Regional coordinator of Anchor work 044 701 6138
- [email protected]
- Ylikonstaapeli 029 544 9209
Northern team (Pori, Merikarvia, Ulvila, Kankaanpää, Pomarkku, Siikainen, Jämijärvi, Karvia, Harjavalta, Nakkila)
Contact information:
- Pori police station, Satakunnankatu 5, 28100 Pori
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- Police 0295 446 607, 0295 449 218, 0295 446 775, 0295 449 270
- Social worker 044 701 6138
- Instructor 044 701 9901
- Nurse 044 701 3028, 044 701 6261
Southern team (Rauma, Eura, Eurajoki, Huittinen, Kokemäki, Säkylä)
Contact information:
- Aittakarinkatu 21, 26100 RAUMA
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- Police 0295 449 060
- Social worker 044 403 7843
- Social welfare supervisor 044 403 7844
- Nurse 044 403 7840
Western Uusimaa
Description of activities: The Espoo unit carries out the Anchor work in multi-authority co-operation with various city authorities.
Contact information:
Description of activities: The Oulu Anchor team intervenes in the criminal behaviour of minors, examines the life situation of the youngster and, if necessary, refers them to assistance and support.
Contact information:
- Yrttipellontie 6, 3. krs
- Police officer: 0295 464 653 / 0295 464 055
- Social worker 040 612 4954
- Psychiatric nurse 040 648 3837
- Youth worker 040 481 1477
Description of activities: The Anchor team in Kajaani focuses on the offences committed children under the age of 15 and youth under the age of 18 in close collaboration with other authorities and third sector operators.
Contact information:
- Oulu Police Department, Kajaani Police Station, Lönnrotinkatu 2 A, FI-87100 Kajaani, P.O. BOX 69, FI-87101 Kajaani
- Police officer: 0295 464 278
- Social welfare supervisor: 044 797 5391
- Psychiatric nurse: 044 703 4003
- Youth worker for marginalised youth 044 421 4359
Raahe, Pyhäjoki, Siikajoki
Description of activities: The Anchor team in Raahe focuses on the offences committed children under the age of 15 and youth under the age of 18 in close collaboration with other authorities and third sector operators.
Contact information:
- Oulu Police Department, Raahe Police Station, Kummatinkatu 6, 92150 Raahe, PL 70
- Police officer: 050 456 4550
- Social worker: 044 135 8493
Description of activities: The purpose of the Anchor model is to promote the wellbeing of young people and families and to break the vicious circle of crime as early as possible. The multi-professional anchor team consists of experts from the police, healthcare and social welfare services and youth services. The team will meet the young person and his or her guardian as soon as possible after the concern for the young person has arisen. If necessary, it will refer the young person to help or support.
Contact information:
- Oulu Police Department; Sotkamon Police Station, Akkoniementie 10, 88600 Sotkamo
- Police officer 0295 464 278
- Social welfare supervisor 044 7567 479
- Youth worker 044 7502 117
- Psychiatric nurse 044 7974 200
Description of activities: The purpose of the Anchor model is to promote the wellbeing of young people and families and to break the vicious circle of crime as early as possible. The multi-professional anchor team consists of experts from the police, healthcare and social welfare services and youth services. The team will meet the young person and his or her guardian as soon as possible after the concern for the young person has arisen. If necessary, it will refer the young person to help or support.
Contact information:
- Oulu Police Department; Kuhmo Police Station, Koulukatu 6, 88900 Kuhmo
- Police officer 0295 464 278
- Social welfare supervisor 044 7974 181
- Youth worker 044 7255 412
- Psychiatric nurse 044 7974 200
Description of activities: The purpose of the Anchor model is to promote the wellbeing of young people and families and to break the vicious circle of crime as early as possible. The multi-professional anchor team consists of experts from the police, healthcare and social welfare services and youth services. The team will meet the young person and his or her guardian as soon as possible after the concern for the young person has arisen. If necessary, it will refer the young person to help or support.
Contact information:
- Oulu Police Department; Suomussalmi Police Station, Keskuskatu 18, 89601 Suomussalmi
- Police officer 0295 464 278, 0295 464 206
- Social welfare supervisor 044 7393 203
- Youth worker 044 7773 183
- Psychiatric nurse 044 7974 201
Southern-Ostrobothnia, Seinäjoki
Description of activities: The Anchor team is located at Seinäjoki police station, where a multi-professional team deals with suspected offences committed by persons under 18 years of age in the wellbeing services county and child welfare notifications concerning the use of intoxicants by minors or other behaviour of concern. In addition to the police, the Anchor team of the wellbeing services county of South Ostrobothnia has a social worker and a social welfare supervisor. Police officers working in the Anchor team are also responsible for coordinating preventive work (EET) in their area.
Contact information:
- Police: 050 465 9901
- Social worker: 06 416 2111
- Social welfare supervisor: 044 418 1265
- Youth worker for marginalised youth 0400 618 791
Central-Ostrobothnia, Kokkola
Description of activities: The Anchor team is located at the Kokkola Police station, where a multi-professional team deals with suspected offences committed by persons under 18 years of age in the wellbeing services county and child welfare notifications concerning the use of intoxicants by minors or other behaviour of concern. In addition to the police, the Anchor team of the wellbeing services county of Central Ostrobothnia has a social instructor, a psychiatric nurse and a youth worker. Police officers working in the Anchor team are also responsible for coordinating preventive work (EET) in their area.
Contact information:
- Team phone: 040 4882 904
- Police: 0295 447 718
- Social welfare supervisor: 040 806 5414
- Youth worker: 040 806 5778
- Psychiatric nurse: 040 804 2263
Ostrobothnia-Coast, Vaasa
Description of activities: The Anchor team is located at Vaasa Police station, where a multi-professional team deals with suspected offences committed by persons under 18 years of age in the wellbeing services county and child welfare notifications concerning the use of intoxicants by minors or other behaviour of concern. In addition to the police, the Anchor team of the coastal Ostrobothnia wellbeing services county has a social welfare supervisor, a psychiatric nurse and a youth counsellor. Police officers working in the Anchor team are also responsible for coordinating preventive work (EET) in their area.
Contact information:
- Police: 0295 449 555
- Social welfare supervisor: 040 569 0520
- Psychiatric nurse: 040 566 4859
- Youth counsellor: 040 687 95 29
Ostrobothnia-Coast, Jakobstad, Larsmo, Pedersöre, Nykarleby, Kronoby
Contact information:
- Police: 0295 544 7837
- Social welfare supervisor: 040 805 1911
- Psychiatric supervisor: 040 664 1946
- Youth supervisor: 044 785 1574
Inner Finland
Pirkanmaa and Sisä-Suomi
Description of activities: The focus of Anchor work is on young people under 15 years of age. Early intervention prevents the criminal behaviour of minors and domestic violence. The involved parties can also be directed to appropriate help and support services, if needed. In addition to the police, special youth work, emergency social services and the mediation office are involved in these activities.
Contact information Pirkanmaa:
- Police [email protected] or 0295 415 000
- Social worker, criminal matters of adolescents: 050 062 1469 and 050 557 4314
- Social worker, violence in close relationships: 040 639 7899
- Nurse: 050 306 2314
- Pirkanmaa mediation office: 040 039 7860
Contact information Jyväskylä:
- Police [email protected] or 0295 415 000
- Social worker 050 354 9033
- Special social instructor 040 531 9954
- Psychiatric nurse. 050 576 8293
- Youth worker for marginalised youth 050 534 5625
Contact information Valkeakoski
- Police [email protected] tai 0295 445 375 (Valkeakoski) tai 0295 445 305 (Lempäälä)
- Social worker 040 335 7388 (Valkeakoski)
- Social worker 040 133 7501 (Lempäälä)
Contact information Äänekoski
- Police [email protected] tai 0295 445 865 tai 0295 445 005
Contact information Ikaalinen
- Police [email protected] tai 0295 445 666
- Social worker 044 730 6515
- Nurse 044 730 1386
- Outreach youth worker 044 730 6594
- Youth worker 044 730 1225
Contact information Sastamala
- Police [email protected] tai 0295 445 995 tai 0295 445 344
- Social worker 050 577 9959, 040 712 8256
- Psychiatric nurse 040 668 5679
- Youth worker for marginalised youth 040 661 4821