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Helsingin yliopisto järjestää Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism -konferenssin 10.-12.3.2021

Julkaisuajankohta 10.2.2021 14.29

Konferenssin kohderyhmä ovat tutkijat, strategioista ja toimenpideohjelmista vastaavat asiantuntijat ja muut, joiden tehtävät liittyvät väkivaltaisen ekstremismin ennalta ehkäisyyn ja terrorismin torjuntaan.

The 4th Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism will be held on 10–12 March 2021. It will be a virtual event organised by the University of Helsinki. 

The Nordic conferences have drawn together nearly 200 researchers, practitioners and policy-makers to discuss current developments and new research in the field. Besides presenting the latest research on violent extremism, the event also seeks to enhance dialogue and interaction between researchers and practitioners working in the field. 

The conference is open for all researchers, practitioners and policy-makers who are working on issues related to violent extremism and its prevention. Participation is free of charge and requires registration. The registration for participants is now open and closes on 1 March 2021.  

For the programme, registration, and more see the conference website.
